¿Qué relación existe entre crédito agropecuario, la ganadería y deforestación? Un análisis espacial en Colombia
What is the relationship between agricultural credit, cattle, and deforestation? A spatial analysis in Colombia
Yield gap analysis to identify attainable milk and meat productivities and the potential for greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in cattle systems of Colombia
Forage-fed insects as food and feed source: Opportunities and constraints of edible insects in the tropics
Managing changes, transforming the sector: the case of the Colombian Roundtable for Sustainable Cattle
Review of the breeding process of apomictic hybrids in forage grasses at the research center for tropical agriculture - CIAT
Effect of different genotypes of Tithonia diversifolia on fermentation of feed mixtures with Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandú
Herramientas tecnológicas para la generación de capacidades: Hacia una producción ganadera sostenible y climáticamente inteligente
Implementation of feed intervention strategies for improved livestock nutrition and productivity in Mai Son district, Son La province, Vietnam
Youth in Colombia in view of generational transfer and income generation in the forage based livestock sector - Activity Report
Sustainable livestock production and improved forages: Tutorial 1 Introduction, Sustainable Livestock Production and Improved Forages