Assessment of smallholder farmers’ awareness of bean fly (Ophiomyia spp.) and management practices in central and northern Malawi: Implications for resistance breeding
Selection for bean fly (Ophiomyia spp) resistance and agronomic performance in selected common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) accessions
Development of white common beans for the processing industry in East Africa: adaptability, resistence to selected diseases, cooking time and canning quality
Population structure and genetic diversity analyses of common bean germplasm collections of East and Southern Africa using morphological traits and high-density SNP markers
Development of common bean genotypes with high iron and zinc seed concentrations and superior canning and agronomic quality traits
Labeling of sustainable beef products in Latin America and the Caribbean: Initiatives and developments
Perspectives on reducing the national milk deficit and accelerating the transition to a sustainable dairy value chain in Zimbabwe
Replication data for iron and zinc grain concentrations diversity and agronomic performance of common bean germplasm collected from East Africa
Replication data for yield and response of bean breeding lines for drought tolerance to gield diseases
Replication data for agronomic quality and resistance of Andean beans and advanced breeding lines to root rots in Uganda