Exploring the role of deep rooting ability on soil carbon accumulation in pasture-rice rotation systems in a Vertisol
Higher farmer willingness to pay for quality cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) planting materials: evidence from experimental auctions in Cambodia and Lao PDR. Replication data including socioeconomic survey and experimental auction results
Pastoreo para el futuro: Navegando en la encrucijada entre un sector ganadero envejecido y la migración juvenil en Colombia y Guatemala
Guide on the processes and partnerships for co-designing socio-technical innovation bundles for women empowerment and resilience in Ethiopia
¿Reformando la tierra, reformando el futuro? Un análisis crítico de las reformas agrarias, la ganadería y el cambio climático en el Sur Global
Grazing for a future: Navigating the crossroads of an aging cattle sector and youth migration in Colombia and Guatemala
Cultivating perennial grassland mixtures: A novel approach to forage and food production, land restoration and climate resilience in Ethiopia
Reforming the land, reforming the future? A critical analysis of agrarian reforms, cattle farming, and climate change in the Global South
Adquisición de datos para modelación con inteligencia artificial aplicada a la agricultura: Mejoramiento genético de forrajes
Vision computacional y aprendizaje profundo para el fenotipado de alto rendimiento en plantas de interés agronómico