More than 1300 Food System Actors in seven countries engaged in the cocreation of agroecological innovations for promoting effective and sustainable agroecological transitions in the first year of implementation of the CGIAR initiative on Agroecology
The Alliance supported a regional government in Peru to develop a bio trade strategy and 2028 action plan with regional partner
Peruvian authorities are using a gold mining monitoring tool for early detection of illegal gold mining in Southern Amazon
The government of Ucayali, Peru, adopts deforestation-free, low- emissions strategies to strengthen cocoa and palm oil value chains
The digital agriculture project has transformed the use of data to promote climate smart agriculture in Latin America.
Árboles y arbustos de los Bosques Secos Fronterizos entre Perú y Ecuador: Propagación y uso en restauración del paisaje forestal
Status and opportunities for improvement in greenhouse gas emission inventories for the cattle production in Latin America and the Caribbean region: A perspective
Intervenciones integradas para fortalecer la resiliencia de productores de cacao frente la amenaza del cambio climático en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú