Determining factors associated with breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices in rural Southern Benin
Variability of provitamin A carotenoids in plantain: influence of cultivar, bunch type, maturation stage, and location
Can wild forest foods contribute to food security and dietary diversity of rural populations adjoining forest concessions? Insights from Gabon, DR Congo and Cameroon
Sensitivity and tolerance of different annual crops to different levels of banana shade and dry season weather
Survey data on income, food security, and dietary behavior among women and children from households of differing socio -economic status in urban and peri-urban areas of Nairobi, Kenya
The contribution of the CIAT genebank to the development of iron-biofortified bean varieties and well-being of farm households in Rwanda
Towards environmentally sound intensification pathways for dairy development in the Tanga region of Tanzania
Vegetables open new avenues for farmers’ livelihood improvement: promising results from Hoima, Uganda
Towards large-scale decision support for farmers: site and season specific advice for maize agronomy in Malawi
Public and private investments for banana Xanthomonas Wilt control in Uganda: The economic feasibility for smallholder farmers