The role of genetic resources in breeding for climate change: the case of public breeding programmes in eighteen developing countries
A contingent valuation analysis for assessing the market for genetically modified planting materials among banana producing households in Uganda
Variation in the factors associated with diet quality of children aged 6 to 23 months in low and high agroecological zones of Rongai Subcounty, Kenya
Household survey data on income, food security and dietary behaviour among women and children from urban and per urban regions of Nairobi metropolitan
Surveillance and diagnostics dataset on Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus (Fam. Geminiviridae) and CMD in Thailand
Review of varietal change in roots, tubers and bananas: consumer preferences and other drivers of adoption and implications for breeding
Impact and opportunities of agroecological intensification strategies on farm performance: A case study of banana-based systems in Central and South-Western Uganda
Addressing potential conflict using participatory mapping: Collection of forest foods from timber trees around industrial concessions in Cameroon
Feed gap assessment in Tanzania Southern Highlands through Improved Forages And Feeding Strategies Project