Adapting Green Innovation Centres to climate change: analysis of value chain adaptation potential. Potato and dairy value chains in North West and Central West Tunisia
Adapting Green Innovation Centres to climate change: analysis of value chain adaptation potential. Peanuts, cashews, and soya beans in the Centre, Kara, Maritime, Plateaux, and Savanes Regions, Togo
Adapting Green Innovation Centres to climate change: analysis of value chain adaptation potential. Maize, rice, potato, and cassava value chains in Oyo, Ogun, Benue, Nasarawa, Plateau, Kano, and Kaduna states, Nigeria
Adapting Green Innovation Centres to climate change: analysis of value chain adaptation potential. Cassava, peanut, and soya bean value chains in the Central Region of Malawi
Adapting Green Innovation Centres to climate change: analysis of value chain adaptation potential. Milk and sweet potato value chains in Bungoma, Kakamega, Siaya, and Nyandarua Counties, Kenya
Environmental Management in Dairy Production - A Review of Capacity Building Material and Opportunities for Maziwa Zaidi in Tanzania
Helping Farmers to Manage and Reduce Heat Stress in Pigs: A Training Manual for Extension Workers and Technical Staff in Uganda
Environmental Management Opportunities for Smallholder Dairy Production in Tanzania: Stakeholder Workshop Report, 16 December 2020