Kenya National Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. Climate Action Reporting Tool. (CSAT ). [Module 3]
Linking ecosystem services provisioning with demand for animal-sourced food: an integrated modeling study for Tanzania
Kenya National Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. Climate Action Reporting Requirements. [Module 1]
Establishing the linkage between Eba's instrumental and sensory descriptive profiles and their correlation with consumer preferences: implications for cassava breeding
Agricultural diversity linkage to income, wealth, diets and nutrition: Case of Lilongwe district in Malawi
Influence of altitude as a proxy for temperature on key Musa pests and diseases in watershed areas of Burundi and Rwanda
Appui a la mise en oeuvre de l’ Integration Regionale des Centres de Recherche et a la coordinaton regionale. Project Intégré de Croissance Agricole dans les Grand Lacs (PICAGL) –Projet Régional
Data-driven breeding approaches for sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L) and common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) intercropping for yield enhancement in Kenya
Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Pilot of Climate Smart Agricultural Innovations and Climate Information Service Technologies in Kenya
Three decades after being displaced by conflict, Senegalese communities return to find the climate changed things, too
Co-designing socio-technical innovation bundles for the sustainable intensification of mixed farming systems: A methodological note