Spatial estimation of flood residual water cultivation (FRWC) potential for food security in Sédhiou and Tambacounda regions of Sénégal
Diversity and utilization of indigenous wild edible plants and their contribution to food security in Turkana County, Kenya
Agronomic and organoleptic performance of organically produced provitamin A rich bananas for introduction into farming and diet systems of Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo
Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA): Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Pilot of Climate Smart Agricultural Innovations and Climate Information Service Technologies in Kenya 2023
Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA): Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) to guide the provision of Agro-processing mini grants in Senegal
The role of seed vouchers and fairs in promoting seed market development: Opportunities and limitations
Changing dynamics in the spread and management of banana Xanthomonas wilt disease in Uganda over two decades
Enhancing sustainable agri-food systems using multi-nutrient fertilizers in Kenyan smallholder farming systems
Finance for low-emission food systems: For the CGIAR Research Initiative on Low-Emission Food Systems
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) disrupt food systems to deliver healthy diets to urban consumers: Twiga case study, Nairobi, Kenya