Valorization of Vigna radiata (l.) Wilczek. and Moringa oleifera to improve food recipes of 6-23-month-old children in northern Benin
Indigenous communities' perceptions reveal threats and management options of wild edible plants in semiarid lands of northwestern Kenya
Dietary diversity predicts the adequacy of micronutrient intake in 6- to 23-month-old children regardless of the season in rural Southern Benin
Qualitative analysis of the perceptions of rural communities about the use of awareness‐raising videos in nutrition and health programs in Benin
Assessment of agronomic practices in banana-coffee and banana-cacao systems in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo – an entry point for sustainable and diversified organic systems
Sistemas de ganado lechero en Kenia: Contexto económico y perspectivas para las nuevas tecnologías forrajeras