Dataset of chemical and near-infrared spectroscopy measurements of dry Urochloa humidicola shoot tissue
Intervenciones agronómicas para reducir enfermedades fúngicas en la regeneración de forrajes tropicales
Root exudate fingerprint of Brachiaria humidicola reveals vanillin as a novel and effective nitrification inhibitor
Embracing forage technologies in Mai Son District, Son La Province, Vietnam: Lessons from the Li-Chan Project and recommendations for future endeavors
Advances on testing genotypic diversity of forage grasses for their contribution to soil carbon accumulation
Análisis de género en procesos de fitomejoramiento y participación en selección varietal: Avances y desafíos
Current trends on gender analysis in plant breeding processes and participation in varietal selection: Progress and challenges
Standard operation procedures and protocols used in forage breeding programme using remote and proximal sensing tools