Observations about Phaseolus Lignosus (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Phaseoleae), a bean species from the Bermuda Islands
Can short-season grain legumes contribute to more resilient and productive farming systems in semi-arid Eastern Kenya?
Soil and nutrient losses under cultivated bush and climbing beans on terraced humid highland slopes of southwestern Uganda
Condensed tannins in tropical forage legumes : Their characterisation and study of their nutritional impact from the standpoint of structure-activity relationships. Thesis (Ph.D.)
Effect of banana leaf pruning on banana and legume yield under intercropping in farmers' fields in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
The pgip family in soybean and three other legume species: evidence for a birth-and-death model of evolution
Agronomic potential of Centrosema pubescens in well drained savannas of Anzoátegui state, Venezuela = Potencial agronómico de Centrosema pubescens en condiciones de sabana bien drenada del estado Anzoátegui, Venezuela
Taxonomy, distribution, and ecology of the genus Phaseolus (Leguminosae–Papilionoideae) in North America, México and Central America
Assessing drought tolerance of five improved forage legumes to improve smallholder dairy productivity in Uganda
Promiscuous soybean varieties, developed in West Africa, retain their promiscuity and dual-purpose nature under western Kenyan conditions
Characterization and breeding for resistance against angular leaf spot, root rot and anthracnose pathogens in climbing beans