Yvonne Uwase Munyangeri

Yvonne Uwase Munyangeri is a Research Associate at the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, works on Climate Services Projects that aim at building capacity of agriculture extensionists and farmers in managing climate risks in the agriculture sector.
She is a trainer and through series of workshops, Yvonne trains agriculture extensionists and farmers on tools that enhance their ability to access, understand and use climate information services (CIS) and climate smart agriculture (CSA) practices to improve crop yield, improve ability to manage climate risks and become more resilient. Yvonne believes that awareness on weather, CIS & CSA and its application is key to all stakeholders in the agriculture sector for ensure food security and resilience to climate shocks. She works every day to develop training materials, conduct training workshops and dissemination of CIS & CSA through the latest technologies to enable agriculture extensionists and farmers from different countries in East, West, and Southern Africa to have hands on practical skills for climate risks management.
Yvonne holds a Masters’ degree in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management. She is trained in project management with experience in project management for donor funded projects.
She is currently working on:
1. Integrating weather and climate analytics into agricultural risk management (CLIM-ARM);
2. Climate information services for Beans under the Integrated Crop Management (ICM) and
3. Scaling and Sustaining CIS-CSA Bundling Business Models for Agriculture Risk Management projects.
Previously, Yvonne has worked as an administrative assistant, a research assistant, and project assistant. She has experience in administration, office organization, scheduling and coordination of project activities, workshop and trainings preparation, reports, blogs, and papers preparation, coordinating partnerships, monitoring and evaluation. She is a trainer, a mother, and a singer.