Wendy Francesconi
Wendy Francesconi is a Senior Environmental Scientist. She holds a PhD in Forest Resources and Conservation at the University of Florida, a Master’s degree in Environmental Science from Yale University, and BA in Biology from Hunter College in New York City. Dr. Francesconi’s work is focused on implementing integrated landscape approaches to assess ecosystem service provision and biodiversity impact. Past research includes the evaluation of agroforestry practices for biodiversity conservation, and the modeling of USDA-NRCS Conservation Standard Practices for improving water quality and quantity in agricultural landscapes. She is the Biodiverstiy and Ecosystem health thematic lead within Impact SF, and the Environmental Lead a USAID project portfolio called Catalyzing and Learning through Private Sector Engagement (CAL-PSE) in Brazil. Dr. Francesconi work has been focused on providing technical expertise developing and applying an environmental performance and impact assessment framework called TerraBio. The framework is being applied to the first of its kind biodiversity-focused impact investment fund in the Brasilia Amazon.