Sam Bodjrenou
Sam Bodjrenou received his PhD in nutrition and home economic sciences from the University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin in 2021. Since then, he has contributed various research projects on food and nutrition security at the University of Abomey-Calavi and the Alliance of Bioversity international and CIAT. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow within the Food Environment and Consumer Behavior (lever 1) team and leading the team activities in Benin and other French speaking countries of West Africa. His research activities focus on identifying innovative locally adapted solutions and strategies for developing sustainable food systems to achieve better food and nutrition security and health for all.
In 2023, Dr Sam received the American Society for Nutrition's 2023 Award for Outstanding Efforts to Advance Nutrition Science.
Currently, Dr Sam is participating in HealthyFoodAfrica, Healthy Diets for Africa and The CGIAR Research Initiative on Fruit and Vegetables for Sustainable Healthy Diets (FRESH) and BOLDER: Building Opportunities for Lesser-known Diversity in Edible Resources - Crop Trust Annual Reports
External profiles
- Formulation of children's nutrient-dense recipes from Adansonia digitata pulp a…
- Food and nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices among children in public …
- Qualitative analysis of the perceptions of rural communities about the use of a…
- Valorization of Vigna radiata (l.) Wilczek. and Moringa oleifera to improve foo…
- Dietary Diversity Predicts the Adequacy of Micronutrient Intake in 6- to 23-Mon…
- Schoolchildren Preference Among Foods Cooked andServed in Public Primary Schoo…
- Factors Influencing the Consumption of Neglected and Underutilized Species by…
- Towards adequate food environment in Benin public primary schools, the challeng…
- Determining factors associated with breastfeeding and complementary feeding pra…
- Comparing video and poster based education for improving 6-17 months children f…
- Adapting green innovation centers to climate change: Reducing post- harvest los…