Powell Mponela

A researcher: integrating ecological with human behavioural science, seeking to understand how regimes of socio-economic or development policy and climate change affect current and future delivery of ecosystem services and human wellbeing. With over 10 years of research for development experience, Powell has published 17 peer reviewed Web of Science Indexed journal articles and a regional FAO report with 10 as first author. He uses multiple analytical tools including R, Netlogo, Stata, SPSS, DSSAT, QGIS and ArcGIS, and BioDiversity Professional. Powell has international and intercultural experience, having worked in 9 countries in southern, eastern and western Africa conducting land health surveillance. He has most recently worked on the design and implementation of socio-ecological studies including;
-farmer managed trials for soil fertility,
-water management and legume integration,
-gender and landscape restoration,
-program impact evaluation,
-model climate change impacts on pest distribution,
-bundled climate information and climate smart agriculture,
-bundled insurance, credit and agro-advisory.
Powell also develops systems analysis and modelling programs, and ODK data collection tools.

External profiles