Max Ruas

Max Ruas, a French national, joined Bioversity International, now the Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT, in 2000 where he started as head of IT of the Bioversity International office in Montpellier, France.

As he has the qualifications for both biology with a Masters I in Plant Physiology and Genetics of Populations and Database Management with a Master II in Computer Science, in 2013 he moved to the field of Genetic Resources Informatics.

Currently, Max is in charge of the Musa Germplasm Information System (MGIS) and Musa In Situ joint project with CIRAD. He is a member of the Information Thematic Group of MusaNet participating in several regional training courses as trainer for Musa characterization with MusaTab. He also setup In Situ Conservation Knowledge Base web site for RTB CRP, and has been engaged in the development of the Foresight Portal within the Foresight Initiative since 2022.

After finishing his Master's degree in Computer Science, Max worked in a clinical research organization as Biological Data Manager from 1997 - 1999. The purpose of this work was to setup and manage a database for recording data collected in clinical trials, phases II and III.