Luz Adriana Jimenez R.

Luz Adriana holds a MSc. in Innovation Management, focused on marketing, and currently is the senior coordinator of the biofortified program in Colombia as well as the country focal point for CGIAR AgriLAC Initiative.
She has been leading the execution of the delivery plan for biofortified crops for the last 7 years, including the definition of strategies to link partners which contribute to increasing the impact for rural communities to improve food security and crops productivity.
Moreover, she is responsible for the marketing and commercialization component, in which she has worked directly with farmerĀ“s associations to create commercial strengthening plans and business cases for crops such as beans, maize, and rice. She was the promoter of the biofortified campaign "naturally nutritious" which has been implemented in LAC region.
Before joining the Alliance, she worked for the private sector in the marketing area and also for the National Federation of Coffee Growers.

External profiles