James Leyte

James Leyte joined CIAT in 2017, now the Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT as Senior Reseach Associate. He has more than 14 years of research and development experience in agriculture. He holds a Master of Science degree in Environmental Science and Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture. Currently engaged in advancing climate action within the Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT, contributing to the CGIAR Hub for Sustainable Finance. His research revolves around multi-disciplinary global themes, primarily focusing on climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as the development of climate information services, climate insurance, and sustainable finance solutions. His research interests lie at the intersection of data-driven agronomy, crop modeling, and social network analysis, where he strives to harness innovative approaches to address the complex challenges posed by climate change. With a commitment to driving positive environmental and social impact, he is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in pursuit of a more sustainable and resilient future.