Fadhili Salum Kasubiri

As an agricultural research and development professional, I have dedicated over 17 years of my career to addressing crucial challenges in the field. With a strong passion for improving the livelihoods of small-holder farmers in developing countries, I have focused my expertise on seed systems, market linkage, and digital inclusion.

One of my primary areas of focus has been the improvement of productivity and profitability for small-holder farmers. By equipping farmers with the necessary resources, knowledge, and technologies, we can empower them to overcome challenges and achieve sustainable growth. This involves implementing tailored strategies that address specific local contexts and constraints, while also considering the unique needs of different communities.
Promoting gender equity and youth empowerment has been an integral part of my work.

Recognizing the critical role that women and young people play in agriculture, I have actively advocated for their inclusion in decision-making processes and provided them with training opportunities. By promoting gender equality and empowering the youth, we can foster more resilient and inclusive agricultural systems that lead to long-term development.

To tackle food, nutrition, and income insecurity, I work on addressing immediate challenges and creating sustainable solutions. I firmly believe that a comprehensive approach, encompassing improved agricultural practices, enhanced access to markets, and the integration of digital technologies, is crucial in creating lasting change.

I also engage with local communities, farmers' associations, research institutions, and governmental organizations to facilitate the exchange of ideas, best practices, and innovations. By fostering collaboration and knowledge dissemination, we can create a collective impact and accelerate progress towards a more secure and prosperous agricultural sector.