Angelica Carbonell Barlis

I currently hold the position of Science Officer for Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA), supported by the International Development Association of the World Bank. Throughout my career, I have honed my skills in the entire project management cycle, donor coordination, and stakeholder engagement, leading to a remarkable track record of achieving impactful outcomes from development and research-for-development projects.

Prior to being part of AICCRA, I had the privilege of collaborating closely with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) from 2018 to 2022 and served as the Project Manager for the "DeRISK Southeast Asia" project, funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI). Notably, this initiative reached more than 250,000 smallholder farmers across Cambodia, Lao PDR, Vietnam, and Myanmar, empowering them with the knowledge of seasonal climate forecasts. By integrating locally tailored agro-advisories into their farming practices, these farmers made informed decisions, resulting in improved farm planning and resilience.

Before joining the Alliance in 2018, my experience also involved the successful management of a USD1.5 million IFAD-funded initiative on root and tuber crops for food security in Asia and the Pacific, where I served as the Communications and Knowledge Management Specialist for the International Potato Center (CIP). Additionally, I provided oversight on a USD1 million GEF-funded project aimed at scaling up risk transfer mechanisms for climate-vulnerable smallholder farmers in Southern Philippines in my role as the Communications Officer and later transitioned to Project Manager with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

My research interest lies at the intersection of climate adaptation and development, with a particular focus on climate services co-production, engagements with climate services actors, risk transfer mechanisms, scaling climate research, and knowledge management and capacity-building principles. I am enthusiastic about exploring innovative approaches that bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and practical application, ensuring that climate services are effectively co-produced with stakeholders to meet their specific needs.

I have a Master of Science in Development Management and Governance, majoring in Program Management, and a Bachelor of Science in Development Communication from the University of the Philippines. With this background, I am passionate about driving impactful projects and contributing to scalable solutions that can translate climate research into actionable policies and sustainable practices.