Alex Nduah Nderi

Nduah Alex is a professional advancing his competence and expertise in terrestrial agroecosystems management. He is currently a Research Associate and Co-coordinator of AICCRA KE - CIAT in the Climate Action lever in the Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, regional office for Africa in Nairobi. Nduah has experience working in programs overlapping agricultural and environmental resources conservation. He has been privileged to work with rural communities and small-scale farmers mainly in low and middle-income countries in both research and development implementation projects while working with international organizations in the UN (IFAD) and CGIAR (ICRAF & the Alliance of Bioversity International & CIAT).
Nduah has particular interests in agroecosystem management, multifunctional landscapes, Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security, Climate Finance, livelihoods development and policy analysis. His interests align with his work in research, training and capacity building in Climate Information Services, Conservation Agriculture and Climate Smart Agriculture technologies.
He holds a BSc in Environmental Conservation and Natural Resources Management from the University of Nairobi and a MSc in Conservation and Ecosystem Management from Newcastle University. Nduah is eager and plans to further his studies in the field of agroecology and agroecosystems management ideally in the scope of Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security and continue working in or for the low and middle income countries.

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