Developing gender-equitable ecological restoration initiatives

The publication Developing gender-equitable ecological restoration initiatives: A synthesis of guidance to improve restoration practice is a ‘guide to the guides’ for practitioners engaging in restoration initiatives who have the intention of making them more equitable.
A growing number of resources and guidance materials (frameworks, tools, guidelines, and manuals) aim to support practitioners in this objective. Yet, these resource materials offer uneven guidance, differing frameworks, and often lack concrete and actionable steps for practitioners. By placing these materials in a common framework and highlighting the strengths each brings to understanding and planning for gender-equitable restoration, this ‘guide to the guides’ seeks to:
1. help practitioners find and navigate existing guidance on addressing gender issues in restoration initiatives, and identify the resource materials that best suit their needs
2. provide practitioners with strategies for advancing gender equality through restoration.
The ultimate goal is to enhance the equity and sustainability of restoration initiatives and allow restoration to achieve its full potential to advance all the SDGs.
To avoid replicating existing work, this guide does not offer exhaustive guidance on the gender dimensions explored, but rather points users towards the resource materials that offer the most relevant and in-depth guidance on the different issues at hand.
In what context is this tool useful?
In a context where restoration practitioners, and others working in the field of ecological restoration (who are not necessarily gender specialists), needs help to recognize, understand, design, and apply different programmatic strategies to address gender and enhance gender equality in and through restoration.
Social issues, including gender relations, are central to ecological restoration. Gender relations play a critical role in shaping restoration and mediate how restoration processes are experienced by those inhabiting and managing restored landscapes. Restoration initiatives that are not attentive to gender issues can increase inequality, whereas gender-equitable design and implementation may not only avoid harm, but also contribute to enhanced gender equality and social inclusion. Moreover, gender equality can lead to improved environmental outcomes, as attention to gender relations can enhance not only the equity, but also the efficiency and effectiveness of restoration initiatives.
Results achieved
The Guidance is a new publication, and as yet has not been used in practice. Results will be included here as they emerge. If you use the tool and have results to share, please contact Marlene Elias (below)
Guides referred to in this ‘guide to the guides’:
- Field guide to Adaptive Collaborative Management and improving women’s participation
- Gender matters in Forest Landscape Restoration: A framework for design and evaluation
- Gender and Sustainable Forest Management: Entry Points for Design and Implementation
- Guidelines for Integrating Gender & Social Equity into Conservation Programming
- Mainstreaming Gender in Water Management
- Gender Responsive Restoration Guidelines
- A guide to the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM): Assessing forest landscape restoration opportunities at the national or sub-national level
- Gender and Forest Landscapes: Enhancing Development Impacts of Projects and Programs
- Taking Action on Gender Gaps in Forest Landscapes
- A manual for gender responsive land degradation neutrality transformative projects and programmes
- Promoting inclusive facilitation of participatory agricultural research for development