Climate Risk Planning & Managing Tool for Development Programmes in Agri-food Systems (CRISP)

CRISP is a freely available, quick and simple-to-use interactive tool that supports the user to mainstream climate risk considerations into project proposal design and implementation. It is geared toward the needs of project managers and practitioners in agriculture, rural development and food and nutrition security projects.
CRISP guides users through a process to understand climate related risks associated with specific agricultural systems, articulate science-based adaptation hypotheses, identify cascading impacts and review relevant adaptation options.
To note:
* The tool is based upon the concept of climate risk impact chains (Zebisch et al., 2022, 2017). Adapted from the IPCC risk concept, an impact chain visualises in a schematic way, the relationships between climate related hazards, exposure, impacts and vulnerability factors. The chain concept illustrates how these factors all influence each other and together constitute the climate risk.
* CRISP’s knowledge base does not have information for every location on Earth. Rather, to contextualise the climate risk impact chains to a manageable level of analysis, it uses information relevant to the level of 23 farming systems (based on Dixon’s classification, updated for Africa in Dixon et al., 2019) in five macro regions of the world. Dixon’s farming system classification is based on similar agroecological, physical, economic and cultural environments within which farmers and their families live (Dixon et al., 2001).
In what context is this tool useful?
With CRISP you can:
- Conduct a quick and simple climate risk screening and develop a climate-focused adaptation hypothesis to strengthen your project proposal.
- Identify or validate agricultural adaptation options that explicitly address agriculture system-specific climate impacts.
- Get insights to inform your project monitoring & evaluation plan.
For any question about the CRISP tool please contact: [email protected]
CRISP tool – short demo
Tools often used together with this tool?
CRISP is a new tool released in September 2023 and as such has not yet been used beyond the testers involved in co-developing it.
Although focused on supporting climate risk screening to strengthen projects/proposals’ design it also includes a section on “Other tools” that provides additional resources that can be used in interventions aiming to promote promising relevant agricultural practices, technologies, capacities and/or policies that help increase climate resilience and adaptive capacity of communities, value-chains and agri-food systems. The selected resources include science-based tools, approaches and methodologies that can be used along the different project implementation phases: i) the situation analysis; ii) the prioritisation of practices and cost-benefit analysis; iii) program design, implementation and scaling or iv) project monitoring, evaluation and learning.