Press and News PABRA increases its collection of documents on CGSpace by 49%

PABRA increases its collection of documents on CGSpace by 49%

CIAT Information Management Services team provided support for the Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance – PABRA – to create and complete the PABRA community of information resources on CGSpace.

The joint effort made it possible for the PABRA community to increase on CGSPACE by 49% in 2018, from 216 to 321 documents available in full text. To achieve this, a search was undertaken to gather PABRA-related information in different CIAT collaborative spaces. Subsequently, the identified files were compiled and sorted by type of document: posters, articles, manuals, books, etc. Finally, they were organized by collections with metadata that allows to recognize authors, date, and type of publication, as well as their current status.

In this way, the PABRA community was enriched on CGSpace and, currently, there are 11 collections classified as follows:

# Collection Current number of documents Link
1 Articles in non-refereed journals 1
2 Books and book chapters 5
3 Brochures and fliers 16
4 Databases, tools, and maps 1
5 Journal articles 19
6 Manuals 14
7 Newsletters 98
8 Posters and infographics 61
9 Presentations 58
10 Reports 40
11 Theses 8
TOTAL 321  

All of these documents are available for download, including:

The most popular document currently within the PABRA community on CGSPACE: David, Soniia. 1998. Producing bean seed. International Center for Tropical Agriculture-CIAT. Network on Bean Research in Africa, Kampala, UG. Vi, 69 p. (Publications series No. 29)

And the document with the highest Altmetrics scores in this community: PABRA. 2017. PABRA Annual Report 2016/2017 – 20th Anniversary Special Edition. Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance – PABRA, Nairobi, KE. 41 p. Http://

CIAT Information Management Services team will keep on providing support to PABRA to continue expanding and updating, with the highest quality, its information resources on CGSPACE.