Press and News The new version of Tropical Forages selection tool is almost done!

The new version of Tropical Forages selection tool is almost done!

Experts in tropical forages meet in Konigstein, Germany to discuss, test functions and design the new Tropical Forages Selection Tool v.2 on a revamped website page and new mobile app. The meeting gathered specialists from different backgrounds and institutions, including CSIRO, ACIAR, CIAT, Crop Trust, ILRI, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Lucid software development.

Tropical Forages is a powerful tool for selecting forage species suitable for local conditions in the tropics and subtropics. It’s very helpful for agricultural researchers and extension officers involved in improving animal production. The update comprises two integrated work packages: One on technical knowledge and information about forages, and one on access to and delivery of knowledge, the latter with a strong focus to reach producers and extension services including access through mobile devices such as tablets and phones.

The new webpage and mobile app aims to be user friendly and intuitive. Also includes a detailed glossary that explains botanical and management terms. The new website and application is expected to be launched in May, 2019.

The project is funded by ACIAR and BMZ who provided the major resources for the project, with support from the partner research agencies ILRI and CIAT and the CGIAR Research Program on Livestock.