The latest Global Timber Tracking Network newsletter is now out

The second newsletter of the Global Timber Tracking Network (GTTN) includes numerous updates – from pilot project results – to news from GTTN members from the Academy of Forestry in China.
Unsustainable and illegal logging is a driving force of deforestation worldwide. According to a World Bank Group publication, an area of forest the size of a football pitch is clear-cut by illegal loggers every 2 seconds around the world. It is estimated that more than 50% of wood exported from the Amazon, Central Africa, SE Asia and Russia is illegally harvested resulting in annual losses in revenues and assets between US$ 10-15 billion.
Timber-producing countries will continue to lose valuable resources and income until such unsustainable and illegal practices are stopped.
The Global Timber Tracking Network (GTTN) brings together stakeholders concerned by illegal logging and associated trade to promote the integrated use of DNA and stable isotopes with the existing technologies. This international network is coordinated by Bioversity International through the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry.
In the latest newsletter shared by the international network you will find updates on:
- Identification of timber species and origins: Global Timber Tracking
Network pilot project ends - Status of the Global Timber Tracking Network Database
- Global Timber Tracking Network: priority species and data availability
- Global Timber Tracking Network Standards and Guidelines Version 1.0
- Terms of reference for the Global Timber Tracking Network working groups
- Global Timber Tracking Network: communication strategy and products
- Proposed structure and function for phase II of the Global Timber Tracking Network
- China promotes research and application of wood identification.