Food Fair: An Initiative For Promotion Of Traditional Food Products

Food Fair: An Initiative For Promotion Of Traditional Food Products

Nepal's Food Fair 2016, the first of its kind, showcased recipes made from locally grown crops and explored the potential these crops have for consumers.

Bioversity International collaborated with a series of partners to establish ‘Food Fair 2016’ in Nepal.  The objective for the food fair was to raise awareness about local foods, and in doing so, organizers of the event hoped to educate consumers about the nutritional benefits of local agriculture. The event allowed farmers, national institutions, and private organizations to explore the potential that local crops have for consumers.

Read more about the event in LI-BIRD's article 'Food Fair: An Initiative For Promotion Of Traditional Food Products.'

Local Crop Project is funded by the Global Environment Facility, implemented by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and jointly executed by Bioversity International, National Agriculture Genetic Resources Centre (NAGRC) - Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC), the Department of Agriculture (DoA) and LI-BIRD.

Photo: Woman tries a dish made out of local ingredients at the 'Food Fair 2016' event in Nepal. Credit: LI-BIRD/Bibudh Dhewaju