Ecosystem services and SDGs - where's the link?

Ecosystem services and SDGs - where's the link - Alliance Bioversity International - CIAT

Bioversity International scientists invite ecosystem services experts to take a survey to help identify which ecosystem services could positively contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and targets.

As part of a National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Science for People And Nature working group 'Making Ecosystem Services Count in the SDGs', Bioversity International is carrying out a short, survey aimed at people with knowledge in ecosystem services to map out linkages to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and specific ecosystem services.
This survey aims to identify which ecosystem services could positively contribute to the attainment of specific SDG targets. We are seeking your input on a subset of SDG targets that have been identified as having potential direct or indirect relationships with one or multiple ecosystem services, and the importance of these contributions to the attainment of the stated SDG targets.

The results of this survey will be summarized and presented in an upcoming academic paper. The survey will be available until May 27, 2016.

For any questions or concerns please contact Sylvia Wood, Postdoctoral Fellow, 'Bridging Agriculture and Conservation' Initiative.

Take the 'Linking Ecosystem Services to the SDGs' survey