Press and News Dr Edgar Amézquita Collazos: His legacy is fundamental to the advance of agriculture in Colombia

Edgar Amézquita Collazos, su legado es fundamental para el avance de la agricultura en Colombia

We regretfully announce that Dr Edgar Amézquita Collazos, CIAT Soil Scientist, passed away on Friday, 17 June 2016, in Cali.

By the Soils team of CIAT, led by Dr. Louis Verchot.

Dr Amézquita was not only a profoundly human person, but he was also an outstanding scientist, working indefatigably in the field of Colombian soil physics. He was also tireless in seeking to develop the capacity of Colombian national scientists, teaching and directing thesis work of students and professionals from all parts of Colombia. His work led to numerous scientific and personal successes in Colombia and in other Latin American countries.

He joined the Soils Team at CIAT In 1994 and, for more than 12 years, he continually contributed to soil science, including in areas such as conservation, nutrition, and fertilizer application, emphasizing the development of the Colombian Orinoquia. CIAT therefore wishes to recognize, and share our gratitude for his legacy by promising to continue what he had begun.

Dr. Amézquita was born in Popayán and, from early days, showed close interest in agricultural research. He graduated from the Universidad de Nariño as an agronomist, obtained his master’s in soil physics and conservation from IICA–CATIE (Turrialba, Costa Rica), and obtained his Ph.D. on the management of agricultural soils from the University of Reading, United Kingdom.

His work experience included not only teaching, but it also included research in the private sector in Colombia and Venezuela, the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA), and CIAT. He became widely recognized, both nationally and internationally, during his presidency of the Colombian Society of Soil Science. He was given an honorary position in the Venezuelan Society of Soil Science.

Dr. Amézquita authored hundreds of scientific articles, and represented Colombia and CIAT in innumerable international and national conferences. In 2013, he published, as principal editor, the book, “Sistemas Agropastoriles: un enfoque integrado para el manejo sostenible de oxisoles en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia”.

CIAT has made available a memorial web page in which friends and colleagues may share their thoughts, memories, and photographs, and send their condolences to Dr. Amézquita’s family.