CIAT Research Online Newsletter
Press and News
Many of you have been following our CIAT Research Online newsletters. Every second month, we release a synopsis of new CIAT publications, briefs, tools, and open datasets. We also try to provide citation statistics and show how CIAT publications are being shared via social media. Please enjoy a copy of our August edition of Your CIAT Research Online. Subscribe here to receive the next issue by email. August, 2016
The Data and Information Services team is pleased to share with you the latest CIAT Research Online newsletter. This newsletter includes all the 2016 research outputs submitted since our last newsletter. Congratulations to all for your publications and other research outputs. Please see a few highlights below for submissions made before August 17th, 2016.
- We have 112 peer-reviewed journal articles in our 2016 records, 102 of these – 91%, are in ISI indexed journals, and 70% are open access. This is an improvement from last year when we had only 89 articles by 23 of September.
- We have 13 datasets so far in 2016. The data management team is curating 10 additional datasets, making a total of 23. CIAT target this year is to publish 45 open datasets. Researchers with publications using primary data collected by CIAT will soon receive an email with instructions and assistance on how to publish the data.
- Did you know that Springer Open Access articles on average achieve 54% more downloads than you would expect for the same article published under a non-open access model? – This information was part of feedback provided to Peter Laderach by Springer on this 2015 article.
Notable CIAT Tool: Soils Best Bets Compendium
Last year the Soils research area launched a Soil Best Bets Compendium which explains in detail practices, methods, technologies or initiatives that have the potential to maintain or increase the organic matter and fertility of soils.
The compendium was recently given a general overhaul to make it more interactive. The new version allows users to comment on existing best bets as well as to add new practices. Best bet practices can now also be queried either through searching by keywords, or filtering by scoring of best bets against resource requirements. The team is grateful to GIZ for financially supporting this overhaul. For more information contact Juliet Braslow or Rolf Sommer.
Sincerely on behalf of the Data, Information, Knowledge group,
Leroy Mwanzia
Contact information

New publications
Frelata, Romain; Lopez-Ridaura, Santiago; Giller, Ken E.; Herrero, Mario; Douxchamps, Sabine; Djurfeldt, Agnes Andersson; Erenstein, Olaf; Henderson, Ben; Kassie, Menale; Paul, Birthe; Rigolot, Cyrille; Ritzema, Randall S.; Rodriguez, Daniel; Van Asten, Piet J. A.; Van Wijk, Mark T.. 2016. Drivers of household food availability in sub-Saharan Africa based on big data from small farms . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 113(2): 458-463.
Rippke, Ulrike; Ramirez-Villegas, Julian; Jarvis, Andy; Vermeulen, Sonja J.; Parker, Louis; Mer, Flora; Diekkrüger, Bernd; Challinor, Andrew J.; Howden, Mark. 2016. Timescales of transformational climate change adaptation in sub-Saharan African agriculture. Nature Climate Change 6 p. (Post-review manuscript will be Open Access on Dec-2016)
Viscarra Rossel, R.A.; Behrens, T.; Ben-Dor, E.; Brown, D.J.; Demattê, J.A.M.; Shepherd, K.D.; Shi, Z.; Stenberg, B.; Stevens, A.; Adamchuk, V.; Aïchik, H.; Barthèsl, B.G.; Bartholomeus, H.M.; Bayer, A.D.; Bernoux, M.; Böttchero, K.; Brodský, L.; Du, C.W.; Chappell, A.; Fouad, Y.; Genot, V.; Gomez, C.; Grunwald, S.; Gubler, A.; Hedley, C.B.; Knadel, M.; Morrás, H.J.M.; Nocita, M.; Ramirez-Lopez, L.; Roudier, P.; Rufasto Campos, E.M.; Sanborn, P.; Sellitto, V.M.; Sudduth, K.A.; Rawlins, B.G.; Walter, C.; Winowiecki, Leigh Ann; Hong, S.Y.; Ji, W.. 2016. A global spectral library to characterize the world’s soil . Earth-Science Reviews In Press.
Challinor, Andrew; Koehler, A.-K.; Ramirez-Villegas, Julian; Whitfield, S.; DAS, B.. 2016. Current warming will reduce yields unless maize breeding and seed systems adapt immediately. Nature Climate Change 1-7 p. (Post-review manuscript will be Open Access on Sep-2016)
Béné, Christophe; Arthur, Robert; Norbury, Hannah; Allison, Edward H.; Beveridge, Malcolm; Bush, Simon; Campling, Liam; Leschen, Will; Little, David; Squires, Dale; Thilsted, Shakuntala H.; Troell, Max; Williams, Meryl. 2016. Contribution of fisheries and aquaculture to food security and poverty reduction: assessing the current evidence. World Development 79: 177-196. (Post-review manuscript will be Open Access on Mar-2018)
Khoury, Colin K.; Achicanoy, Harold A.; Bjorkman, Anne D.; Navarro-Racines, Carlos; Guarino, Luigi; Flores-Palacios, Ximena; Engels, Johannes M. M.; Wiersema, John H.; Dempewolf, Hannes; Sotelo, Steven; Ramirez-Villegas, Julian; Castañeda-ÁLvarez, Nora P.; Fowler, Cary; Jarvis, Andy; Rieseberg, Loren H.; Struik, Paul C.. 2016. Origins of food crops connect countries worldwide. Proceedings of the Royal Society B – Biological Sciences 283: 2060792.
Wollenberg, Eva; Richards, Meryl; Smith, Pete; Havlík, Petr; Obersteiner, Michael; Tubiello, Francesco N.; Herold, Martin; Gerber, Pierre; Carter, Sarah; Reisinger, Andrew; Van Vuuren, Detlef P.; Dickie, Amy; Neufeldt, Henry; Sander, Björn O.; Wassmann, Reiner; Sommer, Rolf; Amonette, James E.; Falcucci, Alessandea; Herrero, Mario; Opio, Carolyn; Roman-Cuesta, Rosa Maria; Stehfest, Elke; Westhoek, Henk; Ortiz-Monasterio, Ivan; Sapkota, Tek; Rufino, Mariana C.; Thornton, Philip K.; Verchot, Louis; West, Paul C.; Soussana, Jean-François; Baedeker, Tobias; Sadler, Marc; Vermeulen, Sonja; Campbell, Bruce M.. 2016. Reducing emissions from agriculture to meet the 2 °C target. Global Change Biology . Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 1-19 p.
Trijatmiko, Kurniawan R.; Dueñas, Conrado; Tsakirpaloglou, Nikolaos; Torrizo, Lina; Mae Arines, Felichi; Adeva, Cheryl; Balindong, Jeanette; Oliva, Norman; Sapasap, Maria V.; Borrero, Jaime; Rey, Jessica; Francisco, Perigio; Nelson, Andy; Nakanishi, Hiromi; Lombi, Enzo; Tako, Elad; Glahn, Raymond P.; Stangoulis, James; Chadha-Mohanty, Prabhjit; Johnson, Alexander A. T.; Tohme, Joseph M.; Barry, Gerard; Slamet-Loedin, Inez H.. 2016. Biofortified indica rice attains iron and zinc nutrition dietary targets in the field. Scientific reports 6:19792.
Torres, Julieta; Rutherfurd, Shane M.; Muñoz, Luz S.; Peters, Michael; Montoya, Carlos A.. 2016. The impact of heating and soaking on the in vitro enzymatic hydrolysis of protein varies in different species of tropical legumes. Food Chemistry 194: 377-382.
Roa, Carolina; Hamilton, Ruaraidh Sackville; Wenzl, Peter; Powell, Wayne. 2016. Plant genetic resources: needs, rights, and opportunities. Trends in Plant Science. 1-4 p.
Please note: This is not our complete list for 2016. These publications were submitted between our April and August newsletters. If you are worried that your publication is missing, please check CIAT Research Online or write to [email protected].
New published data sets
Mwongera, Caroline; Shikuku, Kelvin; Twyman, Jennifer; Läderach, Peter; Ampaire, Edidah; Van Asten, Piet; Twomlowd, Steve; Winowiecki, Leigh. 2016. Replication Data for: Climate smart agriculture rapid appraisal (CSA-RA): A tool for prioritizing context-specific climate smart agriculture technologies. Harvard Dataverse.
Khoury, Colin K; Achicanoy, HA; Bjorkman, AD; Navarro-Racines, C; Guarino, L; Flores-Palacios, X; Engels, JMM; Wiersema, JH; Dempewolf, H; Sotelo, S; Ramírez-Villegas, Julian; Castañeda Álvarez, Nora P; Fowler, C; Jarvis, Andy; Rieseberg, LH; Struik, PC. 2016. Data from: Origins of food crops connect countries worldwide. Dryad Digital Repository.
International Center for Tropical Agriculture. 2016. Genotype x environment interaction in Arachis pintoi, Harvard Dataverse.
International Center for Tropical Agriculture. 2016. Study of early adoption-acceptability by farmers of Arachis pintoi in Colombia, Harvard Dataverse.
New books, book chapters, presentations, videos and reports
New Books can be found here.
New Book Chapters can be found here.
New Posters and Infographics can be found here.
New Presentations can be found here.
New Reports can be found here.
New Videos can be found here.
Most popular report this month: Argel M., Pedro J.; Miles, John W.; Guiot García, Jorge David; Lascano, Carlos E. 2005. Cultivar mulato (Brachiaria híbrido CIAT 36061): Gramínea de alta producción y calidad forrajera para los trópicos. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 24 p.
- This report has been downloaded 132 times over the past month, by users in Mexico, Colombia, and Panama.
New policy briefs
Reyes, Byron; Vásquez, Marco; Larosa, Francesca; Gómez, Lorena; Espinal, Milagro; Wiegel, Jenny; van Loosen, Irene; Jäger, Matthias; Rodríguez, Iván; Lundy, Mark.(2016). Traditional markets for poverty reduction and food security: exploring policy options in Honduras and Nicaragua. CIAT Policy Brief No. 29. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, Colombia. 6 p.
Khoury CK, Castañeda-Álvarez NP, Dempewolf H, Eastwood RJ, Guarino L, Jarvis A, and Struik PC (2016). Measuring the state of conservation of crop diversity: a baseline for marking progress toward biodiversity conservation and sustainable development goals. Crop Wild Relatives project policy brief. 6 p.
Where do our readers come from? Over the past year, visitors to our CIAT Policy Brief collection have come primarily from the US (3,103 downloads), China (1,112 downloads), and Colombia (1,004 downloads). Explore CIAT Research Online for more statistics.
Top Google Scholar citation scores: 2013 – 2016
Asseng, S.; Ewert, F.; Rosenzweig, C.; Jones , J.W.; Hatfield , J.L.; Ruane, A.C.; Boote , K.J.; Thorburn, P.J.; Rötter, R.P.; Cammarano, D.; Brisson, N.; Basso, B.; Marthe, P.; Aggarwal, P.K.; Angulo, C.; Bertuzzi, P.; Biernath, C.; Challinor, A.J.; Doltra, J.; Gayler, S.; Goldberg, R.; Grant, R.; Heng, L.; Hooker, J.; Hunt, L.A.; Ingwersen, J.; Izaurralde, R.C.; Kersebaum, K.C.; Müller, C.; Naresh Kumar, S.; Nendel, C.; O’Leary, G.; Olesen, J.E.; Osborne, T.M.; Palosuo, T.; Priesack, E.; Ripoche, D.; Semenov, M.A.; Shcherbak, I.; Steduto, P.; Stöckle, C.; Stratonovitch, P.; Streck, T.; Supit, I.; Tao, F.; Travasso, M.; Waha, K.; Wallach, D.; White , J.W.; Williams, J.R.; Wolf, J.. 2013. Uncertainty in simulating wheat yields under climate change. Nature Climate Change 3: 827-832.
Uga, Yusaka; Sugimoto, Kazuhiko; Ogawa, Satoshi;Rane, Jagadish; Ishitani, Manabu; Hara, Naho; Kitomi, Yuka; Inukai, Yoshiaki; Ono, Kazuko; Kanno, Noriko; Inoue, Haruhiko; Takehisa, Hinako; Motoyama, Ritsuko; Nagamura, Yoshiaki; Wu, Jianzhong; Matsumoto, Takashi; Takai, Toshiyuli; Okuno, Kazutoshi; Yano, Masahiro. 2013. Control of root system architecture by DEEPER ROOTING 1 increases rice yield under drought conditions . Nature Genetics. 45: 1097-1102
Wise, R.M.; Fazey, I.; Stafford Smith, M.D; Park, S.E.; Eakin, H.C.; Archer Van Garderen, E.R.M; Campbell, Bruce. 2014. Reconceptualising adaptation to climate change as part of pathways of change and response. Global Environmental Change
Khoury, Colin K.; Bjorkman, Anne D.; Dempewolf, Hannes; Ramírez Villegas, Julián; Guarino, Luigi; Jarvis, Andrew; Rieseberg, Loren H.; Struik, Paul C.. 2014. Increasing homogeneity in global food supplies and the implications for food security. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the United States of America 6 p.
Asseng, S.; Ewert, F.; Martre, P.; Rötter, R.P.; Lobell, D.B.; Cammarano, D.; Kimball, B.A.; Ottman, M.J.; Wall, G.W.; White, J.W.; Reynolds, M.P.; Alderman, P.D.; Prasad, P.V.V.; Aggarwal, P.K.; Anothai, J.; Basso, B.; Biernath, C.; Challinor, Andrew J.; De Sanctis, G.; Doltra, J.; Fereres, E.; Garcia-Vila, M.; Gayler, S.; Hoogenboom, G.; Hunt, L.A.; Izaurralde, R.C.; Jabloun, M.; Jones, C.D.; Kersebaum, K.C.; Koehler, A-K.; Müller, C.; Naresh Kumar, S.; Nendel, C.; O’Leary, G.; Olesen, J.E.; Palosuo, T.; Priesack, E.; Eyshi Rezaei, E.; Ruane, A.C.; Semenov, M. A.; Shcherbak, I.; Stöckle, C.; Stratonovitch, P.; Streck, T.; Supit, I.; Tao, F.; Thorburn, P.J.; Waha, K.; Wang, E.; Wallach, D.; Wolf, J.; Zhao, Z.; Zhu, Y.. 2015. Rising temperatures reduce global wheat production. Nature Climate Change 5: 143-147.
Lubbers, Ingrid M.; Groenigen, Kees Jan Van; Fonte, Steven J.; Six, Johan; Brussaard, Lijbert; Grorningen, Jan Willem van. 2013. Greenhouse-gas emissions from soils increased by earthworms. Nature Climate Change 3: 187-194.
Top 5 Altmetric scores – 2016
CIAT assesses the impact of your work through a tool called Altmetric. Altmetrics are an alternative to traditional citation metrics. They measure the online attention and reach of research outputs through digital communication such as news stories, blog posts, Tweets, and storage in resources such as Mendeley and CiteULike.
Khoury, Colin K.; Achicanoy, Harold A.; Bjorkman, Anne D.; Navarro-Racines, Carlos; Guarino, Luigi; Flores-Palacios, Ximena; Engels, Johannes M. M.; Wiersema, John H.; Dempewolf, Hannes; Sotelo, Steven;Ramirez-Villegas, Julian; Castañeda-ÁLvarez, Nora P.; Fowler, Cary; Jarvis, Andy; Rieseberg, Loren H.; Struik, Paul C.. 2016. Origins of food crops connect countries worldwide. Proceedings of the Royal Society B – Biological Sciences 283: 2060792.
Wollenberg, Eva; Richards, Meryl; Smith, Pete; Havlík, Petr; Obersteiner, Michael; Tubiello, Francesco N.; Herold, Martin; Gerber, Pierre; Carter, Sarah; Reisinger, Andrew; Van Vuuren, Detlef P.; Dickie, Amy; Neufeldt, Henry; Sander, Björn O.; Wassmann, Reiner; Sommer, Rolf; Amonette, James E.; Falcucci, Alessandea; Herrero, Mario; Opio, Carolyn; Roman-Cuesta, Rosa Maria; Stehfest, Elke; Westhoek, Henk; Ortiz-Monasterio, Ivan; Sapkota, Tek; Rufino, Mariana C.; Thornton, Philip K.; Verchot, Louis; West, Paul C.; Soussana, Jean-François; Baedeker, Tobias; Sadler, Marc; Vermeulen, Sonja; Campbell, Bruce M.. 2016. Reducing emissions from agriculture to meet the 2 °C target . Global Change Biology . Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 1-19 p.
Rippke, Ulrike; Ramirez-Villegas, Julian; Jarvis, Andy; Vermeulen, Sonja J.; Parker, Louis; Mer, Flora; Diekkrüger, Bernd; Challinor, Andrew J.; Howden, Mark. 2016. Timescales of transformational climate change adaptation in sub-Saharan African agriculture. Nature Climate Change 6 p.
Challinor, Andrew; Koehler, A.-K.; Ramirez-Villegas, Julian; Whitfield, S.; DAS, B.. 2016. Current warming will reduce yields unless maize breeding and seed systems adapt immediately . Nature Climate Change 1-7 p.
Castañeda Álvarez, Nora Patricia; Khoury, Colin K.;Achicanoy, Harold A.; Bernau, Vivian; Dempewolf, Hannes; Eastwood, Ruth J.; Guarino, Luigi; Harker, Ruth H.; Jarvis, Andy; Maxted, Nigel; Müller, Jonas V.;Ramirez-Villegas, Julian; Sosa, Chrystian C.; Struik, Paul C.; Vincent, Holly; Toll, Jane. 2016. Global conservation priorities for crop wild relatives. Nature Plants 17 p.
Reminder: We now track Policy Briefs, Reports, Working Papers, and Infographics via Altmetric. To generate an Altmetric score, you MUST use the CGSpace handle link whenever you share your work via social media: Have a look at this record, and click on the Altmetrics Donut. You can see how this record was shared on Twitter.
To clarify:
Everything else: Link to the CGSpace Handle (
Most mentions on Facebook
Mentioned on 22 Facebook pages
Béné, Christophe; Barange, Manuel; Subasinghe, Rohana; Pinstrup-Andersen, Per; Merino, Gorka; Hemre, Gro-Ingunn; Williams, Meryl. 2015. Feeding 9 billion by 2050 – Putting fish back on the menu. Food Security 7(2): 261-274.
Greatest number of Tweets
200 Tweeters
Khoury CK, Bjorkman AD, Dempewolf H, Ramírez Villegas J, Guarino L, Jarvis A, Rieseberg LH, Struik PC. 2014. Increasing homogeneity in global food supplies and the implications for food security. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 6 p.

Please join us on Tuesdays after lunch! Participants enjoy 1 hour, 15 minutes of quiet writing time. Bring your incomplete writing projects, bring your colleagues, and be amazed at what you can accomplish with a little peer support. Co-hosted with DAPA.