Call for a visiting researcher for Applied Economics Lab
Press and News
The Applied Economics Lab team is looking for a visiting researcher to collaborate in the impact assessment of the Maximizing Opportunities for Coffee and Cacao in the Americas (MOCCA) Project.
Adapted Icons from: Gan Khoon Lay / The Noun Project
The MOCCA Project is a five-year initiative funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food for Progress Program. Implemented in six countries where more than 750,000 smallholder farmers produce coffee and cacao, MOCCA will help farmers to overcome the barriers that limit their capacity to effectively rehabilitate and renovate their coffee and cacao plants – by increasing their productivity, while improving their marketing capacity, incomes, and livelihoods within those two key value chains.
The Applied Economics Lab of the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT is looking for a visiting researcher to collaborate in the impact assessment of MOCCA.
The designated visiting researcher will be based in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, where day-to-day activities will be performed. S/he is expected to closely collaborate with local staff and the project team in headquarters.
Key responsibilities:
- Collaborate with remote monitoring activities of household-level data (N=4125) collection during the survey period, preparing reports and suggestions for survey teams to maintain/improve data quality.
- Lead data cleaning and (descriptive + regression) analysis of household-level data from coffee and cocoa farmers from six countries.
- Contribute to report writing and prepare presentations (if needed) related to the project being evaluated.
- Pursuing/finishing a Master’s or PhD degree in Applied Economics or a related field (must be enrolled during the application process).
- Strong statistic/econometric experience is a plus.
- Bilingual: English-Spanish.
- Demonstrated ability to write technical documents in English.
- Willing and able to travel (if needed).
- Experience in implementing agricultural surveys (desired) and working with large datasets.
Terms of employment
This visiting researcher position will be based at the Alliance office in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The appointment will be for eight (8) months, starting in March 2020 (ideally) or as soon as the candidate is available.
Applicants are invited to send a cover letter describing their suitability for the above position against the listed qualifications, competencies, and skills (1 pg maximum), together with a curriculum vitae focusing on their experience and including names and contact information of three referees knowledgeable about the applicant’s qualifications. All correspondence should be addressed to Carla Coronado ([email protected]) and Danny Sandoval ([email protected]) and should clearly indicate “Visiting Researcher-Socioeconomics, Tegucigalpa-Honduras”.
Closing date for applications: February 15, 2020, or until a suitable candidate is identified.
Pre-application inquiries may be addressed to Byron Reyes ([email protected])