Aumento de semillas de phaseolus albicarminus (Leguminosae, Phaseoleae) mediante técnicas de propagación asexual
What evidence exists relating the impact of different grassland management practices to soil carbon in livestock systems ? A systematic map protocol
Maize-grain zinc and iron concentrations as influenced by agronomic management and biophysical factors: a meta-analysis
Research agenda for holistically assessing agricultural strategies for human micronutrient deficiencies in east and southern Africa
Integrating meta-analysis and experts’ knowledge for prioritizing climate-smart agricultural practices in Ethiopian
Fusarium tropical race 4 in Latin America and the Caribbean: Status and global research advances towards disease management
Who does technology serve? A critical analysis of sociocultural factors shaping opportunities, practices and barriers faced by a smallholders in south-western Colombia
Climate-smart agriculture reduces capital-based livelihoods vulnerability: Evidence from Latin America
A road map to generate scientific evidence on the potential for soil carbon sequestration in coffee production systems
Ground Zero? Let’s get real on regeneration! Report: Assessing greenhouse gas emissions from post-harvest residue management in coffee and cocoa production systems
Soil fertility in mixed crop-livestock farming systems of Punjab, Pakistan: The role of institutional factors and sustainable land management practices