Evaluación de rendimiento y calidad nutricional de arroz biofortificado bajo un sistema de rotación con frijol
Evaluation of Brachiaria (Urochloa) pastures with contrasting BNI capacity in rotation with maize on soil N dynamics
Regenerative agriculture practices improve soil health in phosphorus deficient soils in western Kenya
Co-creating a vision for the production system of La Montañita 20 years from now: A territory of food, biodiversity and hope
Data on impact of soil compaction, drought and their combination on vertical root distribution, morphological traits, and soil water patterns in Urochloa hybrids
Report on trainings of CLEANED (Environmental Assessment Tool for Livestock Systems) in Colombia (presential and online)
Advancing institutional innovations for scaling soil and water conservation in three regions of Ethiopia
Towards site and context-specific fertilizer recommendations for maize production in Northern Ghana using AgWise framework (Machine learning component)
Plant spatial configurations and their influences on phenological traits of cereal and legume crops under maize‐based intercropping systems