
Terra-i Ethiopia

Terra-i Ethiopia, is a tool customized to detect forest change and loss vegetation in near-real-time for providing early warning on forest losses in Ethiopia.

Terra-i Ethiopia, will enable users to have MODIS (NDVI) and CHIRPS imagery analysis that predicts changes in forests due to anthropogenic interventions, in near real time, at a resolution of 250 metres.Additionally, the tool introduces a prototype for alerts on forest loss derived from Sentinel-1 image analysis, at a 10-meter spatial resolution. These alerts are generated every 12 days, spanning the period from 2020 to 2022. Currently, the tool is undergoing a pilot phase in REDD PFM sites within the Bench Maji Zone in southwest Ethiopia.

This tool will provide specialized information for the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources and ecosystems.

The data within Terra-i Ethiopia is continually updated and integrated into higher-resolution image analyses. This information can be applied in various areas, including climate change mitigation, forest and biodiversity conservation, ecosystem service valuation, environmental control, and more. Its utilization should be determined based on its level and scope.