Journal Article

Sistema integral de produccion de yuca para La Colorada (Magdalena) una zona infestada de Diplodia manihotis y Fusarium oxysporum

The predominant farming system in La Colorada (Magdalena, Colombia), where cassava is a subsistence crop, is briefly reviewed. The intensive land use has caused soil leaching and infestation with root pathogens such as Diplodia manihotis and Fusarium oxysporum and cassava production has decreased from 15 to 3-4 t/ha. Therefore, CIAT has developed a technological package that yields over 19 t/ha with resistant clones and 10-12 t/ha with susceptible clones. Indications of the technological package are given as to clones, cuttings to be used, preemergent weed control, and manures. (CIAT)