
Seeds of transformation: Behavioral strategies to boost access and use of quality seeds

Beans are classified among the top subsistence crops in Burundi. They are a staple food present in almost every
meal and provide 20% of calories and 50% of proteins. The majority of bean value chain actors in Burundi are
women. Unfortunately, they are frequently disadvantaged by gender norms that deny them critical opportunities
of empowerment such as decision-making, land ownership, and control over personal decisions. This, in
interaction with climate challenges, contribute to slow down economic growth and development.
To address the persistent challenge of limited access to quality agricultural inputs, particularly high-quality
seeds, a social and behavioral strategy was developed under the CGIAR Seed Equal Initiative activities under
work package 6. A workshop of seed producers, seed regulatory authorities, vulgarization officers was organized
in Gitega to address the challenges in the bean value chain and promote equitable access to quality
seeds through a comprehensive approach involving using multiple communication pathways, capacity building,
social mobilization, policy advocacy, and gender-sensitive strategies. Strategies to increase access and use
of quality seed was also developed in breakout sessions with participants.