
Seed production and evaluation of new characteristics for BH16 at CIAT Headquarters

With the aim of increasing the amount of seed available from the hybrid group BH16, the trial was taken the trial plot FM1910 was taken, corresponding to a progeny test for the hybrid group BH16, where the 24 genotypes that make up this group and 5 controls were included (CIAT/16886, CIAT/26160, CIAT/16888, CIAT/6133 and CIAT/679), this trial changed its objective and was aimed at the production of seed to increase the available quantity of the hybrid group in general. It was sown under an Alpha Lattice design made up of 16 blocks (8 for each of the 2 repetitions), each one of the blocks having a total of 4 genotypes with 4 repetitions each, forming a total of 32 treatments for the entire experimental design (3 genotypes were subsequently removed from the trial, as they were found not to be apomictic). Most of the variables were measured without major problem except for seed production, which was affected by a generalized flower abortion, impeding the end of the harvest cycle, however, With the remaining variables a descriptive analysis of the data was made, which is presented in this report.