
The reference genome of Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B.K. Simon & S.W.L. Jacobs (syn. Panicum maximum Jacq.) accession CIAT 6962 cv Mombasa

Mombasa (CIAT 6962, IRD/ORSTOM K190A, BRA 006645) was collected near Korogwe, Tanzania (5.20° S 38.50° E, 290 m asl, rainfall 1,050 mm) and ) and released as a cultivar in Brazil in 1993. It has an erect growth habit, large tussocks to 1.65 m, stems tinged with purple, leaves are long, to 3 cm wide, with short hairs on the upper surface; leaf sheaths are glabrous. Hand harvested clean seed yield ca 140 kg/ha (av.7 years) and up to 470 kg/ha. This accession showed high resistance to spittlebug, and good drought and cold tolerance. Dry matter yield is 28 % more than that of 'Tanzânia-1'. Liveweight gains of 770 kg/ha/yr compared with 600 and 590 kg/ha/yr from 'Tanzânia-1' and 'Tobiatã'. Although selected in the humid tropics, it is proving popular in the Middle East and Spain.