Journal Article

Manejo integrado de mustia hilachosa causada por Thanatephorus cucumeris (Frank) Donk en frijol comun

An expt. was established in Esparza (Costa Rica), on the integrated management of web blight (Thanatephorus cucumeris) in common beans under the min. tillage system. Var. Porrillo 70 (intermediate resistance) and ICA Pijao (susceptible) were used. Herbicides gliphosate and paraquat (1.0 kg/ha) of each, were applied 5 days before planting. A mixture of fluazifop- butyl + bentazon at 0.75 + 1.0 kg/ha, resp., was applied 21 days after planting. Doses of 1.2 g/liter of benomyl were applied at 20, 30, and 45 days after planting. Two absolute control treatments were added; both cv. were maintained free of weeds during the cropping cycle. Var. Porrillo 70 was superior to var. ICA Pijao in yield and its components. The combined analysis of the treatments showed that var. Porrillo 70 with both preemergent and foliar application of benomyl resulted in greatest yields and least severity of the disease. Postemergent applications of the same treatments did not improve coverage or yield; instead, the overdosification of bentazon had a phytotoxic effect on the crop. (AS (extract)-CIAT)