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Learning resources for Water–Energy–Food–Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus capacity development

Water, energy, food, and the ecosystems that sustain these are intrinsically linked. Therefore, the water-energy-food-ecosystems (WEFE) nexus approach provides an avenue for the integrated management of related resources and their coordinated governance across sectors and scales. Yet practical implementation of the approach requires capacities that are often lacking in the traditionally siloed WEFE sectors.

The CGIAR Initiative on NEXUS Gains has developed a suite of learning resources to support capacity development in this area. The materials are tailored to the needs of a wide range of actors – researchers, students, professionals, decision-makers, and policymakers – working in WEFE sectors. The contents focus on technical as well as social considerations of managing the WEFE nexus, from modeling to equity and inclusion. Follow the links below to explore all of the available resources.