
How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict in Zimbabwe? Climate Security Pathway Analysis

This factsheet gives answers on how climate exacerbates root causes of conflict in Zimbabwe, using an climate security pathway analysis. Two main climate security pathway are identified:

1. Livelihood and Food Insecurity: Climate change impacts exacerbate socioeconomic vulnerabilities, leading to livelihood and food insecurity and tensions within and between communities. In Zimbabwe, these impacts may increase grievances and polarization between different groups, including political, regional, and ethnic identities, potentially sparking riots, protests, and collective violence. Growing livelihood and food insecurity often results in migration towards urban centers and foreign countries, sometimes leading to tensions between migrants and host communities.

2. Resource Availability and Access: The impact of climate change on water, land and food systems undermines the availability of key natural resources in Zimbabwe. This, in turn, risks curtailing the access and availability of key resources like water, increasing the competition over its access and use.