
How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict in Senegal? An econometric analysis

This factsheet gives answers on how climate exacerbates root causes of conflict in Senegal, using a two-stage econometric approach. The findings show how rising temperatures and rainfall anomalies combined with nutritional insecurity can increase the likelihood of conflict in Senegal.

This publication is part of a factsheet series reporting on the findings of the CGIAR FOCUS Climate Security Observatory work in Africa (Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe). The research is centered around 5 questions: 1. How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict? 2. Where are hotspots of climate insecurities ? 3.What is the underlying structure of the climate, conflict, and socio-economic system? 4. Are climate and security policies coherent and integrated? 5. Are policy makers aware of the climate security nexus?