
Economics of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) Meta-analysis: R-Project

An R project to compile and analyse an excel based meta-dataset of nature based solution outcomes.

The meta-dataset was produced in 2023 for a rapid assessment of the economic implications of adopting field-scale NbS practices in non-high income countries. Central to our research approach was an emphasis on profit, moving away from the often-cited gross revenue metrics. Profit, which factors in the costs, gives us an unfiltered view of the farmer's genuine earnings, thereby offering a more realistic understanding of the financial dynamics of NbS. This analysis is informed by 181 studies.

The data can be found in the ./data/NBS_extraction_table.xlsx excel file.

The analysis script is ./nbs_analysis.R.


To understand this analysis please read the working paper "Steward P, Joshi N, Kacha G, Ombewa B, Mumo E, Muller L, Youngberg B, Magnan N, and Rosenstock T. 2023. Economic benefits and costs of nature-based solutions in low- and middle-income countries". Working Paper. Alliance of Bioversity-CIAT. Rome". A copy of this paper can be found in the main project directory.