Database CIAT FAO
This file contains the collected data for all variables considered in the study (described on Variables_metadata_CIAT_FAO_2022.xlsx file) for 40 pantropical countries with a series of 18 years (2004-2021)
Castro-Nuñez, Augusto Carlos
Castro-Nuñez, A.C.; Sylvester, J.M.; Gutiérrez, D.; Pérez-Marulanda, L.; Vanegas-Cubillos, M.C.; Castro-Llanos, F.A. (2022) Database CIAT FAO., Harvard Dataverse, V1
This file contains the collected data for all variables considered in the study (described on Variables_metadata_CIAT_FAO_2022.xlsx file) for 40 pantropical countries with a series of 18 years (2004-2021)