Conference Paper
Ghimire, Sita R.
Ghimire, Sita; Njarui, Donald; Mutimura, Mupenzi; Cardoso, Juan; Johnson, Linda; Gichangi, Elias; Teasdale, Suliana; Odokonyero, Kennedy; Caradus, John; Rao, Idupulapati Madhusudana; Djikeng, Appolinaire. 2015. Climate-smart Brachiaria for improving livestock production in East Africa : Emerging opportunities . IN: Vijay, D. et al. 2015. Sustainable use of grassland resources for forage production, biodiversity and environmental protection: Keynote lectures from the XXIII International Grassland Congress, New Delhi, India, 20-24 November 2015. New Delhi: Range Management Society of India: 361-370.