
Climate change and human security implications for humanitarian, development, disaster and climate risk management in Mozambique

As part of the project ‘Catalyzing cohesive action on climate and security: bridging silos for
enhanced humanitarian action’ for USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance, ODI, the Center
for Climate and Security (CCS) and the CGIAR FOCUS Climate Security Team at the Alliance
of Bioversity International and International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) hosted a
workshop on 4–5 March 2024 in Maputo, Mozambique, to discuss challenges and opportunities
across climate adaptation, peace and security, development, and humanitarian aid to support
climate-resilient development in Mozambique. Participants comprised representatives from the
Government of Mozambique, donor agencies, and international and national non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) currently working on climate, peace and security, development and
humanitarian programming. Discussions focused on the challenges and opportunities to better
link, layer and sequence interventions, to increase access to finance, and to catalyse more cohesive
and coordinated action.