
CIAT and grupo papalotla: A 25-year collaboration shaping a tropical forages culture​

The aim of this poster is to recount the history of 25 years of institutional, scientific, and commercial relationship between the Tropical Forages research program of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and the Mexican company Grupo Papalotla developing Urochloa hybrids. Through the research, it was possible to historically systematize the innovations made in the science of forages produced at CIAT and that have been commercialized in alliance with Grupo Papalotla, identifying the main achievements and challenges of scientific research in this field, as well as identifying the networks of actors involved in production, marketing, and implementation of seeds and scientific innovations of forages throughout these years. The methodology used for the collection of information is based on (i) a documentary review of the CGSpace digital repository focused on bibliographic production on the relationship between both institutions, but also on the various scientific innovations related to the field of tropical forages and forage hybrids developed in the midst of the alliance; and (ii) semi-structured interviews with different key agents related to the institutional, scientific, and commercial history of Grupo Papalotla and CIAT, both in Colombia and Mexico. This research hopes to contribute to the innovation of the joint work of the two institutions, seeking to impact on the better understanding of the different modes of production, development and commercialization of seeds, the actors and territories of impact involved, as well as the historical, environmental, social, and economic transformations throughout the various decades of joint work.