Journal Article

CGIAR modeling approaches for resource-constrained scenarios: II. Models for analyzing socioeconomic factors to improve policy recommendations

International crop-related research as conducted by the CGIAR uses crop modeling
for a variety of purposes. By linking crop models with economic models and
approaches, crop model outputs can be effectively used as inputs into socioeconomic modeling efforts for priority setting and policy advice using ex-ante impact
assessment of technologies and scenario analysis. This requires interdisciplinary
collaboration and very often collaboration across a variety of research organizations.
This study highlights the key topics, purposes, and approaches of socioeconomic
analysis within the CGIAR related to cropping systems. Although each CGIAR
center has a different mission, all CGIAR centers share a common strategy of striving
toward a world free of hunger, poverty, and environmental degradation. This means
research is mostly focused toward resource-constrained smallholder farmers. The
review covers global modeling efforts using the IMPACT model to farm household
bio-economic models for assessing the potential impact of new technologies on
farming systems and livelihoods. Although the CGIAR addresses all aspects of food
systems, the focus of this review is on crop commodities and the economic analysis
linked to crop-growth model results. This study, while not a comprehensive review,
provides insights into the richness of the socioeconomic modeling endeavors within
the CGIAR. The study highlights the need for interdisciplinary approaches to address
the challenges this type of modeling faces.