
AgriTech4Uzbekistan Innovation Challenge: Demo Day

The AgriTech4Uzbekistan Innovation Challenge is powered by the CGIAR Accelerate for Impact Platform and co-designed with CGIAR centers ICARDA, IWMI, and the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT. The project is implemented in collaboration with Hackonnect, IT Park, innoWIUT Entrepreneur’s Lab of Westminster International University in Tashkent, the United Nations Development Programme Uzbekistan, FAO, the Agency of Innovative Development under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan through the AKIS Center, Indorama, the Uzbekistan Venture Capital Association, the Tashkent State Agrarian University, and the International Agriculture University.

This project, organized as part of the CGIAR Research Integrated Initiative, Fragility to Resilience in Central and West Asia and North Africa (F2R-CWANA), aims to scout, accelerate, and fund science-based agri-food and climate-tech innovations (i.e., products, services, technologies) that can make agriculture in Uzbekistan sustainable, more efficient, and resilient to climate change while contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Demo Day event marks the culmination of a one-year project made up of business mentorship, technical assistance from CGIAR scientists, and networking opportunities. Rewatch the recording to learn from the 10 agri-tech innovation teams - Amudario Research LLC, Dehkanbaba, GeoAgro-Dehqon, GET Robotics, Growz, IWATER, mistEO, Piatrika Biosystems, WeavAir, ZeroEarthCompany, from 5 countries - Uzbekistan, India, Tanzania, Poland, and Egypt - pitch their solutions to the Selection Committee, industry experts, and investors, to secure funding that will enable them to introduce their products to the Uzbek market.